Individuals With Disabilities - Minimum Wage and Community Integration

Historic legislation just passed! The Senate just passed HB420 and SB417 is headed for a final vote in the House. The bill, Individuals With Disabilities - Minimum Wage and Community Integration (Ken Capone Equal Employment Act), will phase out the use of 14c certificates that have existed since 1938 and made it possible to pay people with disabilities sub-minimum wage. This will no longer be possible after a four-year phase out thanks to this bill, which now awaits the Governor’s signature. The bill passed with amendments that reflect agreement among advocates, state agencies and providers, and requires extensive planning for each individual as well as statewide planning and reporting to ensure successful implementation and positive outcomes. Congratulations to People on the Go of MD for their leadership on this legislation!! The Council was proud to work with you, the bill sponsors, Senator Delores Kelley and Delegate Jeff Waldstreicher, and other advocates toward this historic outcome.