A description of the Parent Pillars Mentoring Program with yellow and blue accents and the photo of two adults shaking hands in the background.


Parent Pillars Program (1:1 parent mentorship connection)

pil·​lar | \ ˈpi-lər \ - A supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part; a pillar of society

Sign Up to Be a Mentor or Mentee, at: bit.ly/parentpillarsprogram


WHAT: The Parent Pillars program is an opportunity for seasoned parents to "pay it forward" and support the next generation of transition-aged self-advocates via their families. It's an opportunity to for seasoned and younger families to connect deliberately on a 1:1 basis to discuss the transition to adulthood, services, opportunities, resources, and personal questions about supporting their loved one with Down syndrome as they become an adult.

WHY: While this connection can (and does!) happen at events (like the holiday party, picnic, etc.), this is a more direct approach to making parent connections happen. We recognize that not everyone can attend events - or wants to! - and so we are offering this smaller, more targeted approach to building "intergenerational" relationships within CDSPG families.

HOW: Via this form, sign up as a mentor and/or a mentee. We will make matches based on interests, location, and ages of loved ones with Down syndrome.

MENTORS are recommended as seasoned parents of children with Down syndrome or other I/DD ages 21+

MENTEES are parents of children with Ds or other I/DD recommended ages 13 - 19 years. We'd love to support you when you are beginning to think about the self-advocate's transition to adulthood - but we trust your judgment! A few years earlier or later is OK with us!

COMMITMENT: By signing up, we ask that you consider a loose, one-year time commitment to being present for your mentor/mentee. We ask that you try to return calls, texts, or emails within 3 business days when possible.

We see this as win-win-win for all involved:

1. Newer parents find support, answers, and resources from seasoned parents. Why recreate the wheel, when so many parents have walked this path before?

2. Self-advocates transition to adulthood with even more support than they might have had!

3. Seasoned parents are able to give back to the next generation(s) of families and "pay it forward."

Questions? Ideas? Email/Call Amanda: director@cdspg.org | 410-321-5434