
Adults with DS Make Their Mark: A Report from the 2016 NDSC Convention

Adults with DS Make Their Mark: A Report from the 2016 NDSC Convention

This year’s National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) convention was held on July 21-24 in Orlando, Florida, and I was eager to see what new and emerging trends I would find. The disabilities world is currently experiencing a wave of public awareness, policy changes, and technology and business innovation. A forum like the NDSC convention is the perfect place to feature some of these changes.

I Pledge To Be a Face and Voice for Down Syndrome

As I’m writing this President’s Post, sitting in the comfort of my bed on this rainy Tuesday, Governor Hogan is signing Maryland’s ABLE Act before witnesses who championed the bill since its infancy. And, on the national front, hundreds of individuals with Down syndrome and their families and friends from across the country are meeting with members of Congress and their staff as part of the National Down Syndrome Society’s Buddy Walk on Washington.

DSAIA, Delivering Doughnuts, and Down Syndrome

This month, I attended the Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action (DSAIA) leadership conference in Charlotte, N.C., with fellow board member and First Call Director Anna Fulbright. It was an amazing experience of networking and learning from some of the best and brightest DS affiliate leaders in order to provide better service to Baltimore’s Down syndrome community.