CDSPG's Pledge to Our Families on the Recent and Pervasive Violence Against People of Color

We all have work to do. 

We believe we can do it together. 

Like so many in our Community, we are disheartened by the death of George Floyd, Freddie Gray, Breonna Taylor, and many others, and by the pain of racial disparity in our country. Our minds and hearts are with all families who are struggling to make sense of the world around us. We are struggling with it, too.

Here is CDSPG’s pledge to you:

- We will continue to educate, support, and connect with every family that wishes to connect with us 

- We will strive to become better practitioners of equity, inclusion, acceptance, and appreciation of the many who comprise our incredible CDSPG families through Board and staff discussion and facilitated training

We cannot be the best CDSPG community unless every family, friend, and individual with Down syndrome is comfortable living their lives to the fullest. We’re here for you. 

Submitted by: Chesapeake Down Syndrome Parent Group Board of Directors and staff

Monday, June 8, 2020