I Love Who I Am, and I Love My Life

My name is Melissa Silverman and I am 34 years old. Through the years, I have been involved with many different programs, such as Girl's club, Brightside project, Special Olympics swimming and soccer, Jewish Big Brothers and Sisters, attending National Down Syndrome Congress conventions, being a board member for 3 years on the NDSC board, numerous public speaking engagements on self-advocacy, and attending the Live Up weekends for adults with Down Syndrome.

Recently I have joined the Best Buddies program through Towson University. The program is not only a lot of fun, but we have had several activities that have been educational for us and the community. Last year I helped man a table at TU to educate the students about "Spreading the Word to End the Word." I really enjoyed being a part of that. My Best Buddy, Krista, is a very good friend of mine now. We go out to dinner, go the movies, and spent the weekend together. We are laughing and having a great time!

I love who I am, and I love my life.

About the Author: Melissa Silverman graduated from Franklin High School in 2001 with an academic diploma. She attended CCBC Dundalk in the Single Step program and received her 90-Hour Child Care Certification (2001-2003). She was a teacher assistant at Milford Mill Child Development Center for 9 years and currently works at Play Keepers at Franklin Elementary.

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